Join us for unique experiences and events

Happy Hips Workshop – Sunday 16th June 2024

Join the wonderful Jenny Reeves for a deep dive into the functional anatomy of the hips. This 2.5 hour workshop will offer a deeper understanding of hip function and alignment during your yoga practise and is really useful for anyone wishing to deepen their practise, understand their hips a little better, or anyone who suffers with pain or tightness in this area.

Jenny will draw from her current studies in osteopathy and her experience as a professional dancer, yoga teacher and massage therapist to deliver this workshop. It will comprise of hands on work to further understand the anatomical structures and tissues within the joint as well as a luscious vinyasa practise where the hips will be the focus of the practise.

The workshop is suitable for all levels and the physical practise will offer a range of poses to suit all abilities. At the end there will be chance to have a brew and ask any questions.

Limited spaces so please reserve yours now.

Click to book

Summer Solstice

Thursday 20th June 2024

You are invited for this two hour Special Summer Solstice Sunset Practice which conjoins perfectly with the Full Moon in Capricorn. An auspicious time when the full light of the sun and the full light of the moon align for the Summer Solstice (Litha), the longest day of light and the shortest night.

There is a ripeness and fullness in the land which is celebrated and embraced through offering gratitude to the sun, which we will explore and embody the vibrant yang energy of the Sun through an energising and revitalising Flow, then honour the feminine of the Moon with a harmonising, nourishing yin / restorative practice.

The aim of the workshop is to leave you feeling balanced, restored and rejuvenated to move into the second half of the year.

Click to book and for more information

Yoga Brunch – Sunday 23rd June 2024

We are delighted to bring back our Yummy Yoga Brunch.

Flow into your Sunday with a Soothing Sunday Hatha Morning Flow, followed by a yummy nourishing veggie brunch.
Your morning will start with some mindful, gentle breath work to sooth your nervous system and calm your mind.

You will then move slowly into some gentle yin style stretches to release tension and create space in the body.

As you move up from the ground we will then move into a more energising flow to nourish your body and mind and bring some zen into your weekend.

Expect to leave feeling utterly refreshed and revitalised with a strong body, calm mind and full belly.

Also a wonderful opportunity to connect with like minded people, taking time to sit and enjoy food and and get to know one another.
These Yoga Brunches are extremely popular so please book your space now.

Click to book

Assisted Yin – Last Sunday of every month

Assisted Yin is a strongly supported therapeutic experience which brings the body and mind in to equilibrium and harmony. Yin Yoga is a subtle and yet profound practice where you focus on the deep inter connective tissues of the body.

In this special two hour class you will be guided through a deeply nourishing sequence of Yin poses. The poses are held between 3 to 5 minutes. Within this time massage therapist Anna will work her Myo fascial massage magic on you, enabling and gently assisting you to find a deeper physical release within the pose.

The session will end with a beautiful guided meditation ensuring you leave feeling completely relaxed and replenished.

Click to book Assisted Yin

4 Week Vinyasa Basics Course with Scott

4th – 25th July 2024

Looking to add some dynamism to your yoga practise?

Vinyasa is a style of yoga that links postures together using breath. It’s a graceful but powerful practise and very popular here at Yoga Dragon!

Our Introduction to Vinyasa course is the perfect offering for those newer to Vinyasa and looking to build strong foundations or those wanting to drop back into the basics.

Over the 4 week course, we learn how to harness the breath to flow between postures. We’ll also be covering traditional yoga asana and Sun Salutations.

Come and join us this July!

Click to book

Live Cello & Gentle Yoga Flow – Sunday 7th July 2024

We are so excited to offer this beautiful collaboration of Yoga & Live Cello with Nicki founder and teacher of Yoga Dragon
and Maja Brugge, professional composer & Cellist 

Yoga Dragon is delighted to bring to you this unique collaboration with Lancaster based cellist & composer Maja Bugge.
Maja is a Norwegian cellist who creates deeply moving and meditative pieces of music and is renowned for her creative talent and sensitivity as both a cellist and composer.

For this special event Maja will create a beautiful soundscape of live cello in which you are invited to engage in either a guided gentle flow of movement or simply to lay back, relax and absorb the sounds and vibrations around you.
Our aim is for you to feel completely relaxed and to enjoy the uniqueness of a lay-down concert ,or the freedom to gently move and flow with the sounds.

Towards the end of the concert you will be invited to lay down and take time in a nourishing, long relaxation.

There are limited places for this event, so please book now to secure your space.

Click to book Live Cello